How to Take Better Cell Phone Photos This Summer

Summer is here, and it's the perfect time to capture beautiful memories with your loved ones. Whether you're a parent snapping photos of your kids or a grandparent documenting precious moments with your grandchildren, your cell phone camera is likely a great tool for the job. In this post, we'll explore some practical tips and tricks to help you take better cell phone photos this summer. Keep in mind that phone technology continues to evolve and improve! The newer the cell phone, the better the camera! Also, you can use the majority of these tips and apply them when using an actual camera as well.

Summer 2022 with my sweet girl.

Understanding Your Cell Phone Camera Settings

Camera Basics:

Most smartphones come equipped with a variety of camera settings designed to help you take great photos. Here are a few key ones to familiarize yourself with:

  • HDR (High Dynamic Range): This setting helps balance the light and dark areas in your photo, making it perfect for high-contrast scenes.

  • Portrait Mode: Ideal for capturing stunning portraits with a beautifully blurred background.

  • Night Mode: Designed for low-light conditions, this setting helps brighten your photos without sacrificing quality.

Auto Mode vs. Manual Mode:

  • Auto Mode: Great for quick shots, as the camera automatically adjusts the settings for you.

  • Manual Mode: Offers more control over settings like ISO, shutter speed, and white balance, allowing you to fine-tune your photos.

Capturing Indoor Photos

Lighting Tips:

  • Natural Light: Position your subject near windows to take advantage of natural light. Morning and late afternoon light is usually softer and more flattering.

  • Avoid Overhead Lighting: Overhead lights can create harsh shadows. Use lamps with soft bulbs to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Camera Settings for Indoor Photos:

  • HDR Mode: Use HDR to balance the bright and dark areas in your indoor photos, especially if there's a lot of contrast.

  • Portrait Mode: For close-ups, switch to portrait mode to achieve a beautiful background blur, making your subject stand out.

Capturing Outdoor Photos

Golden Hour Magic:

  • Golden Hour: This period shortly after sunrise and before sunset offers warm, soft light that’s perfect for photography. Try to schedule outdoor shoots during these times for the best results.

  • Tips: Position your subjects so that the sunlight hits them from the side for more dimension and depth.

Midday Sun:

  • Challenges: The harsh midday sun can create strong shadows and blown-out highlights.

  • Tips: Seek shade to diffuse the light, or use a fill flash to brighten shadows.

Overcast Days:

  • Benefits: Cloudy skies act as a natural diffuser, providing soft, even lighting.

  • Tips: Adjust your camera’s exposure settings to prevent your photos from looking too dull.

Different Weather and Environments

Sunny Days:

  • Exposure Settings: Lower the exposure to avoid blown-out highlights in bright sunlight.

  • Composition: Use the rule of thirds to keep your photos balanced and engaging.

Rainy Days:

  • Reflections and Droplets: Embrace the unique beauty of reflections and raindrops for creative shots.

  • Protection: Ensure your phone is protected with a waterproof case or cover.

Beach and Pool Photos:

  • Vibrant Colors: Capture the bright, vibrant colors of summer fun by adjusting your camera’s saturation settings.

  • Burst Mode: Use burst mode to capture action shots of kids playing, ensuring you don’t miss a moment.

Tips for Getting into Photos with Your Subjects

Use a Tripod:

  • Phone Tripods: Invest in a small, portable phone tripod. These can be set up anywhere and are perfect for group shots and selfies.

  • Remote Shutter: Pair your phone with a remote shutter or use the self-timer feature to get everyone in the frame.

Capture Moments Using Video:

  • Video to Photo: Record a video of a special moment and then review the footage to take screenshots of your favorite frames. This technique allows you to capture candid, natural expressions and interactions.

  • Editing Tools: Use basic editing tools on your smartphone to enhance the quality of these screenshots before printing.

Set Up the Shot and Jump In:

  • Pre-Set: Set up the perfect shot with your kids or grandkids, adjust the camera settings, and then jump into the frame. Use the burst mode to capture a series of shots, ensuring you get the perfect one.

General Tips for Better Photos

Composition and Framing:

  • Rule of Thirds: Divide your frame into thirds and place your subject along these lines or intersections for a more balanced composition.

  • Creative Angles: Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add interest to your photos.

Editing on the Go:

  • Editing Tools: Use basic editing tools on your smartphone, like brightness, contrast, and saturation adjustments, to enhance your photos. Many editing apps are out there, along with editing features within social media apps.

  • Don’t overdo it: Enhance your photos without over-editing by keeping adjustments subtle and natural.

Remember, the best way to improve your photography skills is through practice. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different settings and techniques, and most importantly, have fun documenting your summer memories. Thank you for reading all the way through this how-to!*

Speaking of summer photos, I’m hosting an evening of summer mini sessions! I’m aiming for mid-late July to hopefully beat any wildfire smoke. If you want to treat yourself and/or your family to a fun session at a reduced rate, sign up below to join the email list ASAP and watch your inbox for the official details coming soon!

*Special thanks to AI-powered tools for assisting in compiling some of these helpful tips on cell phone photography. This how-to is a collaboration of my own tips, along with a few from ChatGPT.

How to Choose a Repeatable Prop, Location or Pose for Baby Milestone Sessions

Hi! I’m Alysha, of Alysha Sanford Photography. I’m based in Roseburg, Oregon and have a studio in Oakland, Oregon. I’ve been photographing babies as they grow since 2009. One of my absolute favorite ways to document their quickly changing little selves is to either repeat a specific pose, a specific location/backdrop, or reuse a favorite item/prop during every session!

I want to share more about the benefits of planning ahead for this, and how to choose the repeatable item, location/backdrop or pose.

1. Selecting a prop or special item to repeat:

This is one of the best ways to show a baby growing, because the item retains it’s size! If you need help choosing the item, think through any sentimental items that you might already have in your home.

Is there a special family heirloom that you’ve had passed down through generations? One of my clients brought in an heirloom saddle from her late grandpa to have photographed with each of her three newborns.

Did you receive a sweet gift for baby, handmade or not? The images above showcase a special little lamb. Mama wanted it included in her first-born’s newborn and 1 year session, and we are now repeating it in her second-born’s photo sessions to match!

I’ve also often used a specific prop from my own collection during each session to show baby growing. Wooden crates and baskets are great for this! Babies can be curled up inside as a newborn, then propped up/sitting inside of it at the next session, and then climbing or sitting in/on top of it as they celebrate their first birthday!

2. Repeating a location or backdrop:

Do you have a favorite place to spend time as a family, or a favorite activity? Is there a location that has been in the family for a while, or a location that holds a special memory?

The K family and I have fallen into a tradition of photographing their family in the Discovery Garden at River Forks Park in Roseburg, Oregon during each of their babies’ first year of life. As you can see above, we not only repeated the location, but also the same wooden crate.

Believe it or not, we are due for another session there shortly, as they recently had a sweet set of twins! I cannot wait to continue the series!

3. Showing baby’s growth through the same pose:

Meet my sweet girl! She was photographed by our friend Erin of Audiss Photo Co. as a newborn, and I fell in love with the pose in that first photo. As I photographed her myself at the 3mo, 6mo, 9mo and 12mo milestones, I chose a couple of poses to repeat from her newborn session, and used the same backdrop (in my studio). I am SO grateful that we did this. It’s bittersweet to see the rapid growth and changes during the first year. But this is part of why I do what I do! To help other families pause and document life before it hurdles you forward into the next milestone and season of life!

Thinking even further ahead, you could select one or more of these repeatable methods to photograph your little(s) beyond their first year! I have another head shot pose that I repeated at every month through my daughter’s first year, and plan to create it yearly until she’s graduated. Assuming she’ll let me. :P

Want to preserve your own babe’s story through photos? Fill out the contact form here! I would love to help!

Behind the Scenes of a Tiny Newborn & Baby Photography Studio in Roseburg, Oregon

It's February 2024, and it’s officially been 4 years since I moved into this little studio space. I thought I would share a few behind the scenes footage of where I create so many of the images that you see!

The studio in total is about 9.5' wide by 26.5' long. My photo setup is about 4'x8'. It's snug and the limited space can be challenging for me, but I'm so grateful for this safe space allowing me to photograph so many sweet moments, no matter the weather. If you’re a photographer wanting info on the items usedto create the above setup, here are some links for you.

Beanbag: by Shoot Baby and isn’t sold anymore, but you can find something similar on Amazon here. Grab the beanbag filler here.
Clamps to avoid fabric wrinkles: Shop here!
Hack #1- Clamp to a reflector underneath if you don’t use a beanbag stand: Shop here!
Hack #2 (and not shown in this photo…)- Lulla-Vibe for newborn soothing: Shop here!
Hack #3- Baby shusher: Shop here!
White sheer curtains: Shop here! Get a bunch of them to help with diffusing strong light.
Paper backdrop: Shop here!
Glossy white 4’x8’ flooring panel (lays over the top of the paper): Shop here!
White diffusion panels behind the sheer curtains: Shop here & go for the largest size!

The front 1/3 serves as both the entrance, the natural light source, and the backdrop set up space. The middle 1/3 houses most the larger props and prop seating (doubling as the client seating area), and the back 1/3 is the rest of the prop and fabric storage, as well as an infant changing area. A bathroom is available in the hallway next to the studio.

A while back (like a year and a half ago), I’d shared a reel of the many images that this space had allowed me to create and preserve. I’ll share it again here, in case you’re curious. I should probably create an updated version. <3
If you have questions about the space, or would like to inquire about booking a session, reach out via the contact tab. I’d love to chat with you!

4 Ways to Reverse Engineer Your Photography Session Planning to Reduce Stress with Roseburg, Oregon Photographer

Over the years of working with many families and clients, I’ve found a couple of areas of the session booking and prep process that might bring about some stress. And I completely get it! Even as a photographer myself, I’ve experienced stress when getting ready on the day of my own scheduled family session. The dinner struggle and the getting ready frenzy are real! But there’s good news! With a few tweaks on your planning and a slight mindset shift, it doesn’t have to be stressful!
Today, I wanted to share some reverse engineering hacks to reduce that photo session stress. You’ve likely heard the popular phrases recently of “backwards math” and “mom math”. It’s all relative to reverse engineering!

Are you ready for FOUR ways to reverse engineer your photo session to reduce stress during the planning process? Let’s GO!

  1. Scheduling your session.

    When do you need your session images back and printed out? Schedule for a couple of months before that to accommodate for the process and potential illness rescheduling.
    What season and weather would you prefer? Is there a special milestone you’re celebrating and timing it around?
    Some examples- Is the session for a 1st birthday? Do you need prints framed for the birthday party table? Or is it more important to you to schedule the session when baby is truly standing/walking unassisted, regardless of their birth date?
    Do you need to send special announcements or holiday greeting cards by a specific date? High school seniors- are you wanting those dreamy, summer sunset photos? If so, you’d be needing to schedule your session almost an entire year before actually graduating, in order to have the photos for the yearbook deadlines and announcements.
    Some things to think about.

  2. Budgeting for your session.

    When scheduling your session, you can also consider your budget. Photography is an investment that continues to give back over the years to come. What budget are you working with? If you save a bit longer, would it help you to make the most of the session you’re dreaming of?
    Many photographers offer payment plans (I do!). Some advertise them, and others are happy to work with you on a plan, if you ask them. If your photographer doesn’t have a payment plan option, you could find out what the retainer fee is and pay it to secure the date. Then, divide the remaining balance over the months between now and your session date, and work to set aside a monthly amount over the course of that time. You can also round up, in case you want financial flexibility to allow you to purchase additional images, prints and products after the session is completed.

  3. Session start time.

    Adjust the start time mentally to 15-30min earlier, to give yourself a buffer. Tell the rest of the family members attending to plan for that (new) time. Then work backwards to get out the door on time.
    Adjust meal times and meal prep to accommodate. Tweak your meal plan for the week to aim for leftovers the day of your session, grab and thaw a prepped freezer meal, or plan to grab yummy takeout after your session.
    Mamas- get yourself ready first! Final touches for everyone else are easier when you arrive on-site, if needed. It’s important that you feel your best when trying to prepare everyone else. I often think back to the airplane rule- put your oxygen mask on before trying to help others.

  4. Outfit planning.

    Mamas, consider the location that you’ve chosen, and the colors/tones that you’ll be surrounded by. Choose an outfit that makes you feel your best. Then look at the tones and patterns in your outfit, and build additional outfits off of that. Reverse engineering the color palette! I have many tips and resources for styling, so reach out to me if you want those links! I also include this information for all clients during the scheduling process.
    Reverse engineer the layering too! Plan for both cool and warm weather if possible.
    Example- Here in Roseburg, Oregon, the weather is often pretty moody and many days seem to experience all of the seasons. If you book a session during the fall through spring months, plan to bring sweaters, jackets, umbrellas and shoe options that can coordinate with the warmer options underneath, so that you can remove layers as needed and be comfortable either way. You could even bring a cute, coordinating picnic style throw blanket to wrap up in if needed!

Alright, there you have it! FOUR ways to reverse engineer your photo session to reduce stress. If you have any additional thoughts that you think I should add, have any questions or would like to inquire about scheduling a session, please reach out! I’d love to continue the conversation and help to simplify the session planning process!

How to Choose the Best Season for Family Photos with Roseburg, Oregon Photographer

Do you have a favorite season? Or two seasons that tie for your favorite?

Personally, I am a HUGE fan of fall. I also really like the coziness of winter. Okay, if I’m being honest, I also love the inspiration that I feel as spring hits… and the adventure that awaits for our family in the summer. If you’re resonating with this, do you ever find yourself struggling to choose which season to schedule your annual family photos in? I have struggled with that decision in the past.

BUT! I’m here to tell you that there is good news… they’re all great for family photos!

Yes, even the rainy days of winter. Why? Because, if you really lean into the positives of each season, you can end up with some of the most special photos for your family album… greeting cards… wall art prints… or the 8x10 print update that you like to send the grandparents every now and then.

A family posed during a studio session with Roseburg, Oregon photographer.

Let’s start with winter.

Sure, Oregon weather can be craaaazy Nov-March. Even into June, if we’re being honest. But what do you love to do in the winter? Do you like to sneak up to the snow? Do you hibernate in the house with cozy clothes, warm drinks and board games? Do you spend more time checking out the local museum, wineries, bookstores or coffee shops? Or would you like to take advantage of a studio photo session? These would all make for some of THE coziest family photos! We just have to dodge germ season and build in a little extra flexibility for rescheduling.

A baby picking flowers in a blooming orchard in spring photography session in Roseburg, Oregon.

Spring…ahh, the sweetness of spring.

I adore the spring blooms in the local orchards. They seem to be tricky for planning around the timing each season, and even if you catch them, you could have a random torrential downpour mid-session. So is spring a no-go for family photos? Nah. Aim for indoors as a back up plan with the suggestions above, or try a local nursery with a greenhouse covering (P.S- I’m aiming to host my spring minis at a local nursery This year! If you want first dibs on one of the very few spots, make sure to sign up for the email list below if you haven’t already!). Quick tip: Sports scheduled usually ramp up in the spring, so look ahead to find a few dates that work well for your family and keep a couple of them open as a backup date for any illness/conflict reschedules.

Sweet summertime!

Summer is likely very busy for your family. I get that. It can also be hot and smokey from nearby fires (hello, west coast!). And there are often ticks, bees and mosquitos (my own personal fears). But as I mentioned earlier, there is a lot of adventure! There are dreamy, sun-drenched evenings that can be a relief from some the heat. Or quick day trips to the coast. Summer brings a special magic, especially to childhood. Embrace the late bedtimes for those golden-hour sessions with your favorite people. Even as a toddler mama who tries to protect that bedtime routine and window, I can tell you that pushing it late one evening is so worth it. I promise!

Two sisters in a pear orchard during their fall family session with Roseburg, Oregon photographer.

Okay, last but not least… fall!

Fall is probably the most frequently booked season for family photos. I find that I schedule my own fall photos most years. It truly is my most favorite season because of the changing leaves, fun events, yummy flavors and cozy, earth tone fashion. On the downside, fall can bring some overwhelming feelings as well. There’s a lot going on with school back in session, sports resuming, prepping for those bigger holidays and trying to avoid the returning germs.

So back to the original question- What is the best season to schedule family photos?

They all have their benefits! If you’re struggling to choose between them, I have a few questions for you to consider that will aid in the decision.

  1. What colors do you want to wear or be surrounded by? Or, what colors would you like to see in the photos that you print for your home?

  2. What is a location, activity or theme that would really represent your family in the here and now? Is there an ideal season for it?

  3. Do you have a printed product deadline that you’d need to meet? (Example- Christmas cards, annual calendar ordering, etc.)

  4. Would any of the four seasons line up with a significant milestone? (Examples- a planned proposal, engagement announcement, pregnancy announcement, wedding anniversary, older children leaving the nest for college, etc.)

  5. Is there a special outfit you’ve been dying to wear and would need a specific season for it?

A couple final thoughts for you:

Remember that you can always rotate the seasons each year! It allows you to truly diversify your family photos, experiences and memories made as the years pass.

Photographers often book a couple of months in advance for family sessions. Plan ahead and reach out early to reserve your date! As a bonus, this also helps with budgeting if you’re making a couple of payments on the session package.

Studios can be utilized and enjoyed all year round! If you book a photographer who offers studio sessions, check with them about it being available as a backup option. I love photographing families (smaller groupings due to space) in my tiny studio for a fresh, minimalist look.

If you would like to schedule your family session, email me through the contact tab. It is never to early to inquire about your photo session needs. Also, if you want info on the seasonal mini session events coming up, make sure to sign up via the form below! I am SO stinking excited for these and would hate for you to miss out! If you have questions or would like to go ahead and schedule your session, please email me directly at or via the contact tab in the menu above. I’d love the chance to photograph your family!

2023 Reflections & 2024 Goals from the Heart of a Newborn, Baby & Family Photographer in Roseburg, Oregon

Somehow, we’re wrapping up another year. The festivities are quieting down and I hope that your holidays were filled with comfort and love. I also hope that your winter season is filled with health and rest!

2023 has flown by and it’s been another beautiful year of photographing some of my favorite and some new-to-me faces. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all! Whether you booked a session (or two, or three!), shared my name with a friend, provided feedback on social media, purchased from my new-ish curated baby goods shop, etc… I am grateful! To get to be home with my daughter, alongside photographing and serving growing families and entrepreneurs in our community is a gift.

Being that transparency is important to me, I’ll also add that 2023 has been another year of learning my strengths, as well as learning about some areas that need a bit of extra attention in my role of “mompreneur”. I have a never ending project list when it comes to my work, home and mom-life (as I’m sure you resonate with, too). I’m always seeking to improve my client experience and look forward to implementing a few things in 2024 that I feel will do just that! I’ll share more about those goals below, but before I move on, would you be open to providing a Google review of your experience if we have worked together? It would be so appreciated, and would also help others to know if I am the right fit for them. Here is the Google review link to copy and paste:

Okay, back to my business goals moving into 2024…

I am bringing back my seasonal outdoor mini events! If you enjoy family sessions outdoors and want to snag extra savings, make sure to sign up for my email list below! My subscribers will be getting first dibs on bookings for the limited mini sessions. Also, be sure to watch for a blog post in the coming month or two that will help you to decide if a mini session is right for your family!

I’ve also simplified my session package options! You can find them on the “Session Info” page of my website and I’m happy to answer questions if you have any.

Behind the scenes, I’m excited to implement a customer relationship management system and automate a few tasks during the booking process. I am confident that this will cut out a few steps for my clients during the booking process, and serve as an “info hub”, if you will. I’m so excited about this!

I have a handful of additional goals for 2024 and look forward to diving into them when the time is right.

Thank you again for a wonderful year! If you are interested in a session during 2024, please reach out! It’s never too early to start a conversation about your photography needs. I thrive on planning ahead and would love to keep your session goals in mind when I map out my availability for the year. Shoot me an email directly at or reach me here via the contact tab!

Cheers to the New Year!