How to Take Better Cell Phone Photos This Summer

Summer is here, and it's the perfect time to capture beautiful memories with your loved ones. Whether you're a parent snapping photos of your kids or a grandparent documenting precious moments with your grandchildren, your cell phone camera is likely a great tool for the job. In this post, we'll explore some practical tips and tricks to help you take better cell phone photos this summer. Keep in mind that phone technology continues to evolve and improve! The newer the cell phone, the better the camera! Also, you can use the majority of these tips and apply them when using an actual camera as well.

Summer 2022 with my sweet girl.

Understanding Your Cell Phone Camera Settings

Camera Basics:

Most smartphones come equipped with a variety of camera settings designed to help you take great photos. Here are a few key ones to familiarize yourself with:

  • HDR (High Dynamic Range): This setting helps balance the light and dark areas in your photo, making it perfect for high-contrast scenes.

  • Portrait Mode: Ideal for capturing stunning portraits with a beautifully blurred background.

  • Night Mode: Designed for low-light conditions, this setting helps brighten your photos without sacrificing quality.

Auto Mode vs. Manual Mode:

  • Auto Mode: Great for quick shots, as the camera automatically adjusts the settings for you.

  • Manual Mode: Offers more control over settings like ISO, shutter speed, and white balance, allowing you to fine-tune your photos.

Capturing Indoor Photos

Lighting Tips:

  • Natural Light: Position your subject near windows to take advantage of natural light. Morning and late afternoon light is usually softer and more flattering.

  • Avoid Overhead Lighting: Overhead lights can create harsh shadows. Use lamps with soft bulbs to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Camera Settings for Indoor Photos:

  • HDR Mode: Use HDR to balance the bright and dark areas in your indoor photos, especially if there's a lot of contrast.

  • Portrait Mode: For close-ups, switch to portrait mode to achieve a beautiful background blur, making your subject stand out.

Capturing Outdoor Photos

Golden Hour Magic:

  • Golden Hour: This period shortly after sunrise and before sunset offers warm, soft light that’s perfect for photography. Try to schedule outdoor shoots during these times for the best results.

  • Tips: Position your subjects so that the sunlight hits them from the side for more dimension and depth.

Midday Sun:

  • Challenges: The harsh midday sun can create strong shadows and blown-out highlights.

  • Tips: Seek shade to diffuse the light, or use a fill flash to brighten shadows.

Overcast Days:

  • Benefits: Cloudy skies act as a natural diffuser, providing soft, even lighting.

  • Tips: Adjust your camera’s exposure settings to prevent your photos from looking too dull.

Different Weather and Environments

Sunny Days:

  • Exposure Settings: Lower the exposure to avoid blown-out highlights in bright sunlight.

  • Composition: Use the rule of thirds to keep your photos balanced and engaging.

Rainy Days:

  • Reflections and Droplets: Embrace the unique beauty of reflections and raindrops for creative shots.

  • Protection: Ensure your phone is protected with a waterproof case or cover.

Beach and Pool Photos:

  • Vibrant Colors: Capture the bright, vibrant colors of summer fun by adjusting your camera’s saturation settings.

  • Burst Mode: Use burst mode to capture action shots of kids playing, ensuring you don’t miss a moment.

Tips for Getting into Photos with Your Subjects

Use a Tripod:

  • Phone Tripods: Invest in a small, portable phone tripod. These can be set up anywhere and are perfect for group shots and selfies.

  • Remote Shutter: Pair your phone with a remote shutter or use the self-timer feature to get everyone in the frame.

Capture Moments Using Video:

  • Video to Photo: Record a video of a special moment and then review the footage to take screenshots of your favorite frames. This technique allows you to capture candid, natural expressions and interactions.

  • Editing Tools: Use basic editing tools on your smartphone to enhance the quality of these screenshots before printing.

Set Up the Shot and Jump In:

  • Pre-Set: Set up the perfect shot with your kids or grandkids, adjust the camera settings, and then jump into the frame. Use the burst mode to capture a series of shots, ensuring you get the perfect one.

General Tips for Better Photos

Composition and Framing:

  • Rule of Thirds: Divide your frame into thirds and place your subject along these lines or intersections for a more balanced composition.

  • Creative Angles: Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add interest to your photos.

Editing on the Go:

  • Editing Tools: Use basic editing tools on your smartphone, like brightness, contrast, and saturation adjustments, to enhance your photos. Many editing apps are out there, along with editing features within social media apps.

  • Don’t overdo it: Enhance your photos without over-editing by keeping adjustments subtle and natural.

Remember, the best way to improve your photography skills is through practice. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different settings and techniques, and most importantly, have fun documenting your summer memories. Thank you for reading all the way through this how-to!*

Speaking of summer photos, I’m hosting an evening of summer mini sessions! I’m aiming for mid-late July to hopefully beat any wildfire smoke. If you want to treat yourself and/or your family to a fun session at a reduced rate, sign up below to join the email list ASAP and watch your inbox for the official details coming soon!

*Special thanks to AI-powered tools for assisting in compiling some of these helpful tips on cell phone photography. This how-to is a collaboration of my own tips, along with a few from ChatGPT.