4 Ways to Reverse Engineer Your Photography Session Planning to Reduce Stress with Roseburg, Oregon Photographer

Over the years of working with many families and clients, I’ve found a couple of areas of the session booking and prep process that might bring about some stress. And I completely get it! Even as a photographer myself, I’ve experienced stress when getting ready on the day of my own scheduled family session. The dinner struggle and the getting ready frenzy are real! But there’s good news! With a few tweaks on your planning and a slight mindset shift, it doesn’t have to be stressful!
Today, I wanted to share some reverse engineering hacks to reduce that photo session stress. You’ve likely heard the popular phrases recently of “backwards math” and “mom math”. It’s all relative to reverse engineering!

Are you ready for FOUR ways to reverse engineer your photo session to reduce stress during the planning process? Let’s GO!

  1. Scheduling your session.

    When do you need your session images back and printed out? Schedule for a couple of months before that to accommodate for the process and potential illness rescheduling.
    What season and weather would you prefer? Is there a special milestone you’re celebrating and timing it around?
    Some examples- Is the session for a 1st birthday? Do you need prints framed for the birthday party table? Or is it more important to you to schedule the session when baby is truly standing/walking unassisted, regardless of their birth date?
    Do you need to send special announcements or holiday greeting cards by a specific date? High school seniors- are you wanting those dreamy, summer sunset photos? If so, you’d be needing to schedule your session almost an entire year before actually graduating, in order to have the photos for the yearbook deadlines and announcements.
    Some things to think about.

  2. Budgeting for your session.

    When scheduling your session, you can also consider your budget. Photography is an investment that continues to give back over the years to come. What budget are you working with? If you save a bit longer, would it help you to make the most of the session you’re dreaming of?
    Many photographers offer payment plans (I do!). Some advertise them, and others are happy to work with you on a plan, if you ask them. If your photographer doesn’t have a payment plan option, you could find out what the retainer fee is and pay it to secure the date. Then, divide the remaining balance over the months between now and your session date, and work to set aside a monthly amount over the course of that time. You can also round up, in case you want financial flexibility to allow you to purchase additional images, prints and products after the session is completed.

  3. Session start time.

    Adjust the start time mentally to 15-30min earlier, to give yourself a buffer. Tell the rest of the family members attending to plan for that (new) time. Then work backwards to get out the door on time.
    Adjust meal times and meal prep to accommodate. Tweak your meal plan for the week to aim for leftovers the day of your session, grab and thaw a prepped freezer meal, or plan to grab yummy takeout after your session.
    Mamas- get yourself ready first! Final touches for everyone else are easier when you arrive on-site, if needed. It’s important that you feel your best when trying to prepare everyone else. I often think back to the airplane rule- put your oxygen mask on before trying to help others.

  4. Outfit planning.

    Mamas, consider the location that you’ve chosen, and the colors/tones that you’ll be surrounded by. Choose an outfit that makes you feel your best. Then look at the tones and patterns in your outfit, and build additional outfits off of that. Reverse engineering the color palette! I have many tips and resources for styling, so reach out to me if you want those links! I also include this information for all clients during the scheduling process.
    Reverse engineer the layering too! Plan for both cool and warm weather if possible.
    Example- Here in Roseburg, Oregon, the weather is often pretty moody and many days seem to experience all of the seasons. If you book a session during the fall through spring months, plan to bring sweaters, jackets, umbrellas and shoe options that can coordinate with the warmer options underneath, so that you can remove layers as needed and be comfortable either way. You could even bring a cute, coordinating picnic style throw blanket to wrap up in if needed!

Alright, there you have it! FOUR ways to reverse engineer your photo session to reduce stress. If you have any additional thoughts that you think I should add, have any questions or would like to inquire about scheduling a session, please reach out! I’d love to continue the conversation and help to simplify the session planning process!