Q: When is the best time to schedule my fresh 24/48 or newborn session?
A: I build my calendar around client due dates, leaving room to actually lock in newborn session dates/times once I hear that baby has arrived. It's ideal to book before you enter your 3rd trimester to allow us extra time for planning. Fall is often my busiest season so booking ahead if you're due in the fall ensures your spot. You can also take advantage of the baby registry if you'd like to! That said, I am happy to try & squeeze in a "last minute" newborn session. Just send me an email!

Q: What is a fresh 24/48 session? Is it different than a newborn session?
A: These sessions are usually photographed in your birth space within the first 24-48hrs of baby's arrival. I am on-call for these sessions and I rely on a client's quick communication once baby is born due to short hospital stays often limiting the window of time that we have before you're discharged home. These are very candid and photographed in more of a "fly on the wall" style than newborn sessions. They're also often photographed with "moodier" lighting than what the studio look provides. I love both session styles! Ask me for comparison photos if you're debating between the two options.

Q: What should I bring to my studio newborn session?
A: Snacks for you & any kiddos, your family outfits, typical diaper bag items (plus a binkie & bottle making supplies if baby uses them) & a sentimental item if you really hope to have it photographed with baby!

Q: How long are studio newborn sessions?
A: Keepsake sessions are about 1 hour & Heirloom (full) sessions are usually 1.5-2.5hrs. This includes breaks to soothe, feed & change baby.
TIP: If you're bringing siblings, arrive in separate vehicles! Have your partner or a family member take the kids out for a treat after family photos are finished while we finish with baby's solo photos.

Q: I want to book milestone sessions for my baby’s first year. How often should I schedule them?
A: I absolutely love documenting these details. Their first year goes by so fast! Popular milestone session schedules are:
6mo & 12mo
4mo, 6mo & 12mo
3mo, 6mo, 9mo & 12mo
The frequency is up to you! Please contact me to schedule these in advance, if possible.

Q: What should I bring to my babe’s milestone session?
A: A fav outfit (to change them into along with my client closet options), a beloved item of babe’s, whether it’s a stuffie, blanket, book or toy, any item/outfit you’re using to recreate some of their newborn images, any of babe’s fav snacks for short breaks, and lastly, siblings/parents for a quick family photo opp!

Q: How should I dress baby?
A: Keep it simple & timeless! Newborns: wrapped in a cozy studio swaddle or wrap is ideal. I keep a few minimalist newborn outfits on hand that you’re also welcome to use. Bigger babies: in a diaper cover, blue jeans, or one of my cute studio closet outfits. If you have a favorite outfit, bring it along!

Q: Can you help me choose outfits?
A: Absolutely! I have Pinterest boards set up for you here, a small client closet for babies/toddlers/moms & you can email me photos of your clothing choices. I’m also working to build out my LTK shop, allowing clients to quickly shop favorite clothing pieces that are linked here.Your session is an investment & these images will be displayed in your home for years to come. Let's make sure that the colors, patterns & textures will both reflect your style & remain timeless.

Q: Do you only offer baby & family sessions?
A: While I primarily photograph all things baby & family, I do enjoy & offer a variety of session types including back to school, couples, engagement, boudoir, seasonal minis, head shots & product photography. Reach out with your session needs & we’ll see if I’m the right fit for you!

Q: How do I print my digital files from our session?
A: I partner with professional labs for the best quality & variety of photo prints/products. Ask for my a la carte menu! If you choose to print on your own, I can suggest a couple of consumer labs but cannot guarantee the color matching or quality of the final product.

Q: Do you travel outside of the Roseburg, Oregon area?
A:  For on-location family sessions, I can travel with an additional fee & prior arrangements made. I currently have a small babe of my own at home & try to limit travel to a few times per year… but I do love southern Oregon coastal sessions!

Q: Do you offer gift certificates?
A: Yes! I sell e-gift cards here on my website that can be redeemed in my Curated Shop. I have gift certificates that clients can purchase & redeem in the Curated Shop, on session fees & even print orders after a session. I also offer a baby registry if you book before sending out baby shower invites. Ask me for more info!