2023 Reflections & 2024 Goals from the Heart of a Newborn, Baby & Family Photographer in Roseburg, Oregon

Somehow, we’re wrapping up another year. The festivities are quieting down and I hope that your holidays were filled with comfort and love. I also hope that your winter season is filled with health and rest!

2023 has flown by and it’s been another beautiful year of photographing some of my favorite and some new-to-me faces. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all! Whether you booked a session (or two, or three!), shared my name with a friend, provided feedback on social media, purchased from my new-ish curated baby goods shop, etc… I am grateful! To get to be home with my daughter, alongside photographing and serving growing families and entrepreneurs in our community is a gift.

Being that transparency is important to me, I’ll also add that 2023 has been another year of learning my strengths, as well as learning about some areas that need a bit of extra attention in my role of “mompreneur”. I have a never ending project list when it comes to my work, home and mom-life (as I’m sure you resonate with, too). I’m always seeking to improve my client experience and look forward to implementing a few things in 2024 that I feel will do just that! I’ll share more about those goals below, but before I move on, would you be open to providing a Google review of your experience if we have worked together? It would be so appreciated, and would also help others to know if I am the right fit for them. Here is the Google review link to copy and paste:


Okay, back to my business goals moving into 2024…

I am bringing back my seasonal outdoor mini events! If you enjoy family sessions outdoors and want to snag extra savings, make sure to sign up for my email list below! My subscribers will be getting first dibs on bookings for the limited mini sessions. Also, be sure to watch for a blog post in the coming month or two that will help you to decide if a mini session is right for your family!

I’ve also simplified my session package options! You can find them on the “Session Info” page of my website and I’m happy to answer questions if you have any.

Behind the scenes, I’m excited to implement a customer relationship management system and automate a few tasks during the booking process. I am confident that this will cut out a few steps for my clients during the booking process, and serve as an “info hub”, if you will. I’m so excited about this!

I have a handful of additional goals for 2024 and look forward to diving into them when the time is right.

Thank you again for a wonderful year! If you are interested in a session during 2024, please reach out! It’s never too early to start a conversation about your photography needs. I thrive on planning ahead and would love to keep your session goals in mind when I map out my availability for the year. Shoot me an email directly at hello@alyshasanfordphoto.com or reach me here via the contact tab!

Cheers to the New Year!